

Plustrust recognises the urgent need to locate and nurture entrepreneurial talent is rural and remote locations.

The need for incubation support for start-ups  well accepted. It is increasingly available  in urban and metros centres,  especially for youth with education and exposure to technology. However, such a supportive environment is lacking particularly for women, in rural resource-poor communities. This widening gap in the incubation and start-up ecosystem can only be addressed by ground-up, grassroots level interventions with a special focus on women. Plustrust decided to address this situation in 2015 and began work by introducing microincubation fellowships for Rural Women. Our approach is clearly focused on a woman’s individual agency and aspirations for leading change in her community.

Plustrust has provided micro-incubation support and fellowships to 161 rural changemakers. It has sustained peer-led support through a network of 14 active  anchors  in 9 states and set up 2 Collaboration Hubs s to widen reach. Through its work, it has been able to identify a trajectory of the journey of grassroot changemakers and offer critical support at the very early stage.


Development Path for Changemakers 


Focus of relationship

Personal Qualities for selection


Impact on changemakers



Personal struggles, Readiness to try own ideas, Action focus

Changemaker pilots an idea and learns from the experience and anchors’ mentoring

Builds her personal professional and project management capacity.



Skill building, networking and professional development

Interest in building own knowledge and skills

Changemaker stabilises her work, builds team or volunteer group

Emerges as a grassroots changemaker

Anchor development

Replicating the fellowship process in their grassroot context

Experience of Plustrust fellowship , leads  a grassroot change initiative, integrates Plustrust fellowships in own initiative

Spread of Micro incubation opportunities/ support for rural women

Mentors and develops emerging changemakers


Microincubation becomes a  programme element for an  NGO

Interested in integrating  fellowship model in their own program


Ecosystem develops to support women changemakers

Collaborator sees  ‘whole picture’ and thinks strategically and systemically


Grassroot innovation

New project ideas for joint implementation, with managerial and technical support from Plustrust

Facilitating innovation and entrepreneurship among women and girls 

To spread innovative  entrepreneurial behaviour